Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Potty Training

Oh yeah, that's right...I'm in big boy underwear!!!

I told you I'd get back to you on this whole potty training thing. Well, it's been eight days of full on potty time and I think HE'S GOT IT!! The first couple of days were rough. I think Austin was taking pointers from the dog because he kept heading out to the backyard and stripping off his underwear when he had to go...and it wasn't just for #1 either. (Note to self: watch child like a hawk when he heads outside during potty training) Austin has been an easy going kid (lucky me) so I thought this next stage in his life would be simple, but after a few backyard episodes I questioned my little man's desire for the toilet. So I leaned on Elmo for support. I popped in "Elmo's Potty Time" DVD and hung an Elmo potty chart on the bathroom wall and rewarded with stickers for each success. And success we've had! He hasn't had an accident for about 4 days now. I've even taken him to childcare at church and errands around town with no accidents! I'm so proud of my little man and continue to get gitty with each successful trip to the potty. Ah, only the things a mother would love. :-)

Just a little side note. At the end of the Elmo Potty Time DVD Elmo says "this episode of Sesame Street was brought to you by the letter "P" and the number "2". HA, HA, HA! I laugh at the most ridiculous things.

And just a few more things about my ever changing toddler...he's been calling me 'Honey' to get my attention. HA! Guess I've called him that a time or two and he took a liking to it. And aside from potty training this week he also learned to pedal a bike! We've been taking rides around the block. His imagination is starting to grow wild and he's experimenting with make-believe. There's been an alligator living in our master bedroom for a couple weeks now and there's an endless supply of imaginary hamburgers, milkshakes, pizza, and fruit snacks. And lastly, I have a little show-off on my hands. When Austin knows he has an audience of young kids (like the other day at the Verizon store) he likes to start doing semi-handstands, somersaults, and any other toddler like movements to get a reaction. Very cute, especially when you're the mommy!

1 comment:

Nate and Joelle said...

YAYYYYY! I am so sad I miss all his cuteness, but it sounds like you are loving every minute of it and that makes me happy!