Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I have no shame. Tonight I will once again attend a midnight premiere showing of the Twilight series. This time, Eclipse. But nay, I will not be alone. Hundreds of other people will flock to Edwards Theater with me to sit in 14 sold out theaters…and that’s just here in Idaho Falls. This time my friend (and midnight premiere buddy) Joelle and I will also be attending a Twilight “pre-party” a few hours before the show to get pumped up and gossip about all things Eclipse: Edward and Bella, Bella and Jacob, the newborn vampires, the wolf pack, the campout in the mountains…

Ah, perfect timing. I need a girl’s night out. Go Team Edward!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Seriously, in June?

Austin and I went out for a walk tonight around 7pm. We had to put on our winter coats and hats. While we were walking I noticed that I could see my breath. Seriously? Are you kidding me? It's friggin' June! I WANT MY SUNSHINE!!! Mother Nature is in a seriously foul mood.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I recently completed a 3-week detox with a group of other people at Cottage by the Falls Wellness Center in Idaho Falls. Stress and eating seem to go hand-in-hand in my life. I was at the point where sugar and junk food were the main staple of my diet and I needed a health reality check. So, I signed up for this special “spring group detox” lead by a wonderful naturopathic physician and got back to basics. The goal of it was to “eliminate toxins in our bodies, freeing up our body’s energy for healing and increased vitality.” And that we did.

First, we had to eliminate everything from our diets that could cause havoc in the body (or that some people have food sensitivities or allergies to).

Here was my AVOID list:
Gluten (wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt, kamut, triticale), dairy, corn, soy, eggs, sugar, alcohol, coffee, artificial sweeteners and colors, processed foods, hydrogenated oils and trans fats, and peanuts.

So, what did I eat?

Here was my OK list:
Fruits, vegetables, rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, beans and lentils, fish/shellfish, lean organic meats, nuts and seeds, non-dairy milks (almond, hemp, coconut), non-caffeinated herbal teas, oils (olive, coconut, flax, safflower), and stevia.

I was also taking detox supplements and powders, increasing my water intake, and drinking one glass of vitality tea and a greens drink once a day. Oh, and dry skin brushing and deep breathing and soaking in hot baths. :-)

Seems a bit intense, and it kind of was. I had a massive headache for 3 days because of sugar elimination (in my opinion). I had to go 5 days only eating vegetables and thought I was going to go crazy by the last day. And I’ve never craved a donut so badly in my life (the awesome blueberry cake donuts from Baker’s Dozen)! But it was worth it. I’ve become so much more aware of what I put in my body and how it can affect it. I cooked and ate new foods I’ve never tried before like kale, quinoa, almond milk and beets. In our weekly classes I learned a lot about food, environmental and emotional toxins and ways I can reduce/eliminate them. And I lost a few pounds to boot; a nice perk for swimsuit season! My body just feels better.

I loved (most of) it. It was the reality check I needed. I took the opportunity to gradually add foods back in my diet to make sure I wasn’t having negative reactions to them, like gluten, dairy, and eggs. Nothing seemed to bother me so that’s good. And, I just feel better about myself. I can whip up a quick meal that is healthy and delicious. Brett is happy that I’ve started cooking again and is excited about all that I’ve learned. I did it for myself, but my whole family will benefit in the long run. It felt good to held accountable for what I was eating and feel a sense of accomplishment when the 3 weeks were up. I guess I am “revitalized” in more ways than one.