Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pop turns 60!

Dad turned the big 6-0 on the 18th of March. And boy, was he was all worked up about it! He kept telling us how he was closer to "the end" and realized he was, in fact, getting "old." I tried to remind him that he was, in fact, not "dead" and that he still had a good 40 years to cherish. I think my encouragement fell on deaf ears. :-) He didn't want to have a huge party at a restaurant so we planned a laid back celebration with family at Mom and Dad's house. We had a great time visiting and reminiscing. Dad was showered with love and gifts and a very special visit from his daughter, Amy Jo. I hadn't seen my sister Amy for years and it was a blessing to hear her laughter again and be a part of her life, if even for a moment. I hope someday she'll be a more permanent fixture in my life because our family is not complete without her.

Aunt Jody, Grandpa Joe, Dad, Grandma Evie~

Amy's Boyfriend, Amy, Desmond (Amy's son), Nana, Dad, Mom~

Patrick, Amy, Me (Elisha and Erik were at a marriage retreat and couldn't attend)~

HAPPY 60TH POP! We love you no matter what age you are ;-)

Spring Rain...bows!

We couldn't have asked for a better view from our backyard after a heavy rain shower. A full arching rainbow from one end to the other was fully viewable from our back patio. It was Austin's first rainbow sighting and he hasn't stopped talking about them since, pointing out "imaginary" rainbows as we drive down the road. Perhaps just a tiny glimpse of God's glory...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Austin Update

Austin is still my little bundle of joy, even though he's grown too tall for us to both fit comfortably in the rocking chair. He's tall and thin - just over 3 feet and 32 lbs. He has a lot of his own opinions now, very independent and clearly knows what he does and does not want to do. So, I'm learning more patience and improving my toddler strategy daily. But he is still my sweet little "Bear" who loves affection and is generally mild mannered and loves to make you laugh.

Let's see, a few of my favorites:

He's a total exhibitionist. I can't keep clothes on this kid. The minute he wakes up or we get home from somewhere he strips off all his clothes and races around in his undies. Not really surprised I guess. The kid is a heat source. I can't put him in footy jammies at bedtime because he sweats so bad and develops athlete's foot! I usually find him stripped down jumping off the couch into a huge pile of pillows and blankets. He's recently been encouraging his friends to go all natural as well and trying to strip down at more public affairs. We're trying to nip this behavior in the bud before he's a teenager!

Speaking of athlete's foot, Austin is a total sports nut just like his daddy. Forget trucks, he's obsessed with anything that has to do with a ball; basketball, football, golf, baseball, soccer. It really started developing after we let him watch the movie Sandlot (forgot about a couple 4-letter words in that show, but nonetheless). He mimics sliding into base, throwing the ball after a hit, spitting, etc, etc. Even the other day he wanted just a pair of shorts on with no shirt so he could be like the shirt/skins basketball players that he saw at the YMCA. He even persuaded me to let him "suit up" at his friend Tyler's house. And watch out, plastic golf clubs are flyin' already folks!

He's started to develop friendships with other kids his age at church, but his best buds continue to be his cousins, Jakob and Aaron. He and Jakob seem to always be in some sort of love/hate brawl, making each other cry over some toy or action, but continue to want to play with each other all the time. When they're together "mine" seems to be the word of the day. I'm sure they'll figure out sharing and working together some day when they're not toddlers. Aaron unfortunately gets the brunt of bad behavior most times but still continues to look up to both boys and follow their every move.

Sleep over!
Austin is a bit...no, a lot...obsessive right now. He'll cling to something during the day and drive me crazy with it. Today it happens to be his water guns. Yesterday and many other days it's bubble gum. And the obsession always comes in multiples. He can't have just one. And I must also have one too. I'm sure its a normal 2 1/2 year old thing to teach parents the virtue of patience and unconditional love. :-)

And, he loves a good bouncy house and foam pit like most boys his age. There's a place called "Bounce" that has about 10 bounce houses and he loves it there. He lights up like the 4th of July when we walk in. We also take advantage of a local gymnastics studio's open play day. He gets to jump around on all the equipment, including the trampolines and bars, and launches himself into the giant foam pit!

His little brain absorbs so much every day. He amazes me with his memory, his love for books and singing songs, and his inquisitiveness. He will definitely be ready for preschool in the fall!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Poem - for the Mamas


What did I do today?
Today I left some dishes dirty,
The bed got made around 3:30.
The diapers soaked a little longer,
The odor grew a little stronger.
The crumbs I spilled the day before
Are staring at me from the floor.
The fingerprints there on the wall
Will likely be there still next fall.
The dirty streaks on those window panes
Will still be there next time it rains.

"Shame on you," you sit and say,
"Just what did you do today?"

I nursed a baby till he slept,
I held a toddler while she wept.
I played a game of hide-and-seek
I squeezed a toy so it would squeak.
I pulled a wagon, sang a song,
Taught a child right from wrong.
What did I do this whole day through?
Not much that shows - I guess that's true
Unless you think that what I've done
Might be important to someone
With bright blue eyes and soft blonde hair.
If that is true - I've done my share.

-Author Unknown