Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Jenny Lou Who"

A couple weeks ago we drove down to Salt Lake City to visit our good friends Sadie and Kelly and their daughter Lily. Lily celebrated her 1st birthday in tutu style while we all ate way too many cupcakes! I'm convinced that made from scratch vanilla cupcakes with powdered sugar frosting are a deadly combination of good and evil. Sadie...yes, I need that recipe...wait, no I don't. Yes, yes I do. No, no I don't. Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no...

The cutest birthday girl, Lily Duke.

Austin and I celebrating (pre-cupcakes).

But this post really isn't about 1st birthdays and cupcakes. It was on this day that I was told by Mr. Duke that I had a strong resemblance to "Cindy Lou Who," the Dr. Seuss character that first appeared in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (according to Wiki). I couldn't help but be so confused, yet amused at the same time. I'll have to work on my bows and pouty expression, but I guess you can call me Jenny Lou Who!

Monday, February 1, 2010

My 31st Year

Last week I celebrated my 31st birthday. Turning 31, ugh! Where has the time gone and where did I put my wrinkle creme? But alas, there were a few things that made my day a little sweeter.

I got a date night with my honey at Sandpiper Restaurant and filled my mouth with yummy salmon followed by Creme Brulee deliciousness! My fav!

I opened gifts and got spoiled with many fabulous things including this puppy...a BOB Sport Utility D'Lux jogging stroller!! Move over old garage sale jogger...there's a BOB in the house!
Two desserts, right up my alley. Creme Brulee topped off with ice cream cake with the family! Nothing better. (And yes, Austin is picking his nose just for me. Nice gift, huh?!)

Getting older isn't so bad when you have the wonderful, loving support of family and friends. Thanks to everyone for showering me with the most awesome b-day gifts, cards, lunches, dinners and dessert!