Monday, September 27, 2010

Summer Fun

I've been so caught up in other things lately that I haven't posted about my wonderful little man. This summer brought about lots of changes and growth. Austin is definitely ALL BOY and loves to run, kick, jump, spit, pick his nose, throw dirt and make roaring sounds...all daily. Unfortunately he's picked up a few bad habits too like biting and hitting other kids when they have a toy he wants. We're working diligently on trying to curb that habit! He already has a thing for girls and seems play nicer with cousin Ava and the little girls across the street. His favorite saying is currently "What happened now?" and will repeat it over and over when something happens but he's not quite sure what. And he also likes "My turn now!" Of course. And like most kids, he seems to have a soft spot for Barney and sings the "I love you, you love me..." song. It's funny though because he can't pronounce "v" and it comes out "b" so the song goes "I lobe you, you lobe me..." He's learning to pedal the new bike I found for him and he loves to be outside. But probably the biggest change is coming up soon...potty training! We just started this week so I'll keep you posted! Here's a synopsis of our summer adventures in Star...

Many, many popsicles. He doesn't eat them alone and insists someone else eats one too! Here he is with cousin Ava.
Pool time at SpurWing Country Club. Perks of the job!

Chillin' on the spiderman couch in his PJs. It's probably like 4:00pm. :-)

Back to the Western Idaho Fair after many years of absence. Hasn't changed at all. I seriously don't know why I get so giddy over the stupid county fair, but I do...every year. Brett tried his first Idaho ice cream potato this year and said it was delish. The animal barns are a must with kids.

Playing in the dirt at a moms/kids only BBQ. Good times!

Hangin' out with the cuz, Jakob, eating popcorn.

Sharing his string cheese with friend, Lily. Surprisingly he loves to share these days...just don't hop on his bike or he'll smack ya! :-)

Bath time at Grandma Nagels on our first trip back to Idaho Falls.

Snuggle time.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Garage Sale Steals

Visiting garage sales has become a bit of a pastime since I had Austin. Toys are so expensive and kids hate them a week later so I love getting great deals on slightly used toys at garage sales. Here's what I scored last weekend at a neighborhood sale near our house. Everything shown totaled a whooping $8.00! Wahoo!

*Hey Miss Joelle, your couponing skills ain't got nuttin on my garage sale skills! :-)

Bike, toy Dyson vaccuum (just like mine), stroller, 2 Barney DVDs, 3 play hats = $8.00!

P.S. Brett game me a hard time about the stroller. I'm perfectly ok with my son playing with girl toys. He loves to do everything mommy does and I just happen to push him in a stoller so...his stuffed animals have already been pushed all over the house! And I figured cousin Ava could play with it when she comes over.

SpongeBob Treat

Don't ask me why, but for some reason I started laughing hysterically when I pulled this stupid SpongeBob popsicle out of its wrapper. It's just so ridiculous it makes me laugh! Fruit punch and cotton candy flavored with gumball eyeballs. Just what a sea-dwelling sponge should taste like I guess!
FYI - I did not purchase this silly treat. They were leftover at the pool at the golf course so Brett brought a few home. I can't imagine why there were would be any left over! The laugh alone is worth the money.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Poor Peaches

This is a picture of a perfect peach sneakily growing in our new backyard. We discovered we had a peach tree a couple weeks ago and I immediately started dreaming about fresh sliced peaches, peach cobbler, peach cordon bleu...
There's just something about fruit and veggies growing in my own backyard makes me all gitty inside. After discovering the peaches we headed off on a trip to West Yellowstone and when we returned we found our perfect, precious peaches scattered all over the ground rotting and infested with bugs. I was so pissed! I should have picked them immediately. I guess they were more ripe than we thought and fell from the weight of their fruit. So long delicious, juicy, FREE peaches :-( Maybe next year.