Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Catch-Up

I'm playing catch up. Christmas and New Years came and went so quickly and I'm just now finding the time to blog about it. Pretty sure I have several other posts to do as well, but for now you get Christmas 2009!

This was our Idaho Falls Christmas year but we did sneak over to Boise the weekend before to do a gift exchange with my side of the family. When we arrived at Elisha's house for the big shi-bang, I was glad to see that Patrick was moving around with out his walker OR his cane! Such a big improvement since the last time I saw him. Here's his smiley face with a new pair of slip-on shoes we gave him. He can't bend over well to deal with laces and you should see him try to put on a pair of socks, hilarious!

It was complete chaos with all the cousins unwrapping their gifts, but we had a blast! And the food was so delicious! Thanks sis!

During all the fun, all hell broke loose when Ava and Jakob opened their Radio Flyer scooters from Grandma and Grandpa Bulson! They were racing all over the house and then Austin tried to steal Jakob's scooter and he got really mad and started crying. Geez, meany Austin ruins the fun! I'm sure Austin will have one under the tree for him next year!

Ok, so on to actual Christmas day in Idaho Falls. Austin awakes to lots of presents under the tree and he can't help but giggle and run all around the tree checking them out! The one on the table was the first victim but unfortunately it wasn't addressed to him!

Here's Austin opening a gift in his red "santa's helper" jammies. Notice the animal crackers in his left hand. Those were a stocking stuffer from Grandma Nagel and after he found those we pretty much had to persuade him to open all the rest of his gifts! The kid loves them so we let him have a few for breakfast...what a perfect Christmas for a toddler!
Our happy little family on Christmas...
The aftermath...

Of course Austin loves the packaging just as much as the gifts!

Austin with Uncle Mark (who made a wonderful clam chowder for Christmas dinner)...

And Austin with Grandma Nagel...
Oh wait, there's no picture. She dodges every camera she sees. I'll get her next time!
I was spoiled this Christmas, not by gifts, but by seeing the joy on Austin's face as he experienced the events of the day. He warmed my heart and focused my thoughts inward. It's amazing how children change the feeling of Christmas. Their joy, their happiness, their laughter brings so much peace to the holiday and truely makes it special.

1 comment:

The Days said...

yay Christmas! Austin is getting so big and toddler like. I feel like I live in a different state then you and never see you anymore. I am trying to cope with the seperation....