Thursday, January 14, 2010

Austin's First Haircut

Austin was shaggy, real shaggy. I just couldn't bear cutting off his sweet baby hair! But Brett had had enough. He's a clean cut guy and couldn't stand having his son look unkempt. So when we were in Boise last month it was time for a date with the scissors. And there was no one else better for the job than my Aunt Jody. Her scissors have worked magic over the years.

Cue the applause!!! Austin was a champ! He sat through his first haircut like he'd been doing it for years. I'm going to give all the credit to Aunt Jody. She was prepared with the Cars cartoon on her shop TV and suckers close at hand. I think she may have done this a time or two!

Getting up on the chair...

The shaggy before...

The first cut...

A few more cuts behind the ear (with dad close by his side)...

A quick "this ain't no thang" wave...

Sweet success! My little baby turned handsome young toddler!

And a 'First Haircut Certificate' for the record books from Great Aunt Jody!

Thanks again Aunt Jody! You always keep us looking our best and we love you so much!

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