Thursday, December 10, 2009

O' Christmas Tree

Last Saturday we stopped by Fred Meyer to get a few things. Since Austin started walking, he's been pretty cranky about riding in shopping carts, so it was this day that we discovered the RACE CAR shopping cart! The kid loved it! It has a steering wheel and he was occupied the entire time, didn't even want to get out when it was time to go. We totally laughed at ourselves pushing the huge thing, but it was worth it. I guess you get used to these things as a parent.

While we were there we browsed through the Christmas trees, but ran out of time to buy one. So, we bundled up and headed back out to Fred Meyer the next morning to find our perfect tree in 18 degree weather (a warm spell compared to today's -10 degrees).

Brett and I have a deal. We flip-flop Christmas every year, Idaho Falls one year, Boise the next. This is our Idaho Falls year. So, when we stay home for Christmas we buy a real tree! If we head to Boise, we throw up our fake one. Yuck! So, you can imagine how happy I was to go find our "real" tree this year!

Well, this is what I got the minute we put Austin in the regular shopping cart...

But alas, no fear...we found an empty RACE CAR shopping cart and the kid had visions of sugar plums!

So, here she is folks! Our short and sassy Douglas fir! She currently has ornaments on the top 1/3 of her branches. Austin quickly removed the others.

Oh, so happy I am!


kramlegan said...

Funny....I still like to ride in the racecar cart!

Kristine said...

Oh my gosh!!! Welcome to my world!! Wait until you have two kids fighting over which side they sit in! Merry Christmas to the Nagels! Hopefully we will see everyone soon!