Sunday, September 13, 2009

St@te F@ir

Summer wouldn't be complete without a trip to the State Fair! For some weird reason I just love it, always have. We ventured over on the last day (along with everyone else living in eastern Idaho!) and got ourselves some pronto pups, gyros, corn on the cob, tiger ears... Oh, and we visited the animals. A must see....along with the people. The fair is an excellent place to people watch. Each time I go I always think, where do these people come from? People from all walks of life, that's for sure. Keeps me entertained for hours. Add our family to the crazy mix I guess :). We're not big carney ride lovers, so here's our pics of our trip through the barns.

Here's Austin's first glimpse of a you can see he loved it just a bit!


This was one freakin HUGE horse. I should have had Brett crawl into its pen to get closer so you could really see how big he was...for some reason I don't think he would have done it.

Austin couldn't take his eye off ol' Bessy...not even for a quick pic.

Top it all off with some buttery sweet corn, yum! This kid loves corn and probably would have ate the whole thing himself I let him.

1 comment:

Barb McLean said...

Ahhh brings back great memories of the I.S.F. I was a kid the last time I went. Your pictures reminded me of how much I loved it. Mmmmmm a good corn dog sounds yummy!