Monday, September 8, 2008


Austin slept through the night last night and I feel like a new woman! Crazy what a little sleep can do for your mental state, especially as a working mom. He hasn't done this since he was about 8 weeks old and even then it didn't last long. I'm crossing my fingers for another good night!


Sarah Young said...

Don't you just want to KISS them when they do that?! Lauryn started sleeping through the night a couple of weeks ago and I seriously am just in love with her in the morning when I go to get her out of her crib! Here's to hoping Austin decides to make a long-term habit out of it!

Leah said...

So did you really sleep or wake up in a panic wondering if he was O.K.? I still get that way if Amelia sleeps longer than her normal. I start to fret and end up checking on her in which then she usually wakes up.

Barb McLean said...

loved reading your blogs this morning! That Austin is a real cutie. We get to play with your mom & dad this weekend...So excited. Jody & Del, Dan & Steph too. It will be all about football for the guys. Who to root for is the question...Ducks or Broncos? Quack Quack!