Monday, September 22, 2008

Pretty Pants

So, I washed up a bunch of 6-9 month clothes that we bought for Austin before he was born. I was so excited for him to wear his first pair of blue jeans this fall. I think they're adorable on babies. Well, apparently I wanted my child to be a bit too adorable because after close inspection, I realized that we bought him a pair of girl pants!

Seriously, look at these pictures. What was I thinking? They are totally girly. Didn't I notice the pink bow on the tag? Please tell me I'm not the first mother to do this. So needless to say, these puppies will be passed along to an adorable little girl. :) There's no way I'm making my son wear girl pants.


Unknown said...

hahaha! I'm dying laughing! it's the flaired leg that tipped me off!

Sarah Young said...

Oh that's funny!

Nate and Joelle said...

That is because secretly you wanted a girl. I know it!

Barb McLean said...

when it is your 3rd baby you won't even care... you'll just be glad it's clean. I have so many pictures of poor Danny in Sarah's jammies. Bad mommy!

hilla said...

Maybe I need a bigger pic, cuz that don't look too over the top girly to me (minus the pink tag, of course.) they couldn't have been screaming girl if you bought em the first place! But you're a good mom for passing them on, and not making him put a bow in his hair to match his girly pants!

Momof3cads said...

I did the exact same thing with Robby. You get in a hurry becuase your kid is throwing a fit and you just pick one out really quick. It was funny that Ben is the one who pointed it out to me. I didn't even seem to notice Robby was wearing GIRL jeans! :)