Monday, September 15, 2008

Working Zombie and Control Freak

Ok, so Austin's sleeping through the night didn't last long. Hence the reason for my blogging absence. Zombie, pure zombie I am. But no worries, I've resorted back to my Baby Whisperer books and think I might have a few answers-more food, longer naps, steady routine. Now, if I can just communicate the importance of this to Austin's daytime caregiver and have her stick with it. You know, this working mom stuff is hard for someone who's striving for parenting perfection (I know, I'm totally delusional). I feel like I'm losing all control! I admit, sometimes I go crazy thinking about all the things that are or are not going on in my absence. And oh how I miss his smiling face, giggles and farts, yes farts, during the day. I long to be a stay-at-home mommy when my control freak tendencies rise to the surface. Some day I tell you all, some day!


Sarah Young said...

Ahhh Jen, you and I are cut from the same cloth! Down to loving our babies farts! I was a working mom too up until a year ago. I had a WONDERFUL lady who watched the girls for me. She was the only reason being away from my kids was okay, because I knew she loved them and were taking care of them as good as I would. But before we had her Justin was watching the girls while he worked from home. I used to worry constantly it was too much for him to juggle the kids and working at the same time. That my anally retentive schedule wasn't being followed, that he was letting them watch too much tv, that they weren't at the park enough and on and on and on! It's hard not being there to be in control when all you want to do IS be there! Hang in there!

Unknown said...

sounds like mama needs a looooonng nap! I'll call you later.

Steve, Kristine, Cole, Kade said...

And then you will be a stay at home mom... and while he is asleep.. your OCD kicks in and you cannot relax and you start scrubbing walls, and floors and then you wish you were at work... believe me.. getting away a little each day is good for the soul... you will get there!

hilla said...

pure bliss when you think you're child is sleeping through the night.... pure tragedy when you realize it was only a pleasant fluke! Good luck with the sleep training. :)