Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Itty Bitty Garden

So, I took the advice of my good cousin Sarah and built my own Square Foot Garden. I've always wanted a garden (to compliment my raspberry bushes that I'm obsessed with in the summer) but never thought I had the space or expertise. Enter, square foot gardening. A little space, a little dirt, a few little seeds, and you have it - a fabulous garden right outside your kitchen window! And Brett was so happy we didn't have to kill his well manicured lawn to do it.

Corn, carrots, beans...here you come...I hope. We've had a few things sprout in some squares, but I'm a bit worried about all the rain and overcast days we've had over the last few weeks. Seems like there should be more action going on by now. I guess we'll just wait and see!

Now, if you call and I don't answer my phone I'm probably out admiring my garden- or changing a dirty diaper, or doing laundry, or walking the dog, or....
Here's a glimpse at my strawberries. I bought them as plants so they don't count.
Alas, my garden!

Oh, and a special thanks to my wonderful husband for all this construction work. I couldn't have pull it off myself. Smooch, smooch honey.


Sarah Young said...

WAHOO!!! You'll be munching on some of that goodness before you know it! I just harvested my first squash today and have oodles of green tomatoes growing that I'm licking my chops just waiting to get my hands on! Happy growing!!

Steve, Kristine, Cole, Kade said...

How fun! You go girl! I grew veggies last year and got ridiculed by all of my German neighbors about how I was doing it all wrong :( This year... just have wildflowers growing - now they cannot make fun of me.. take that!