Monday, June 29, 2009

Father's Day

Brett's one wish on Father's Day was to relax in the basement (his man cave) and watch the U.S. Open. Well, Austin had other plans. He wanted to climb all over daddy, blocking his view of the TV. Welcome to parenthood honey!

I made him a big breakfast and topped it off with a hearty chicken and broccoli casserole for dinner, which was a special gift for him since I don't have much time to cook these days! I also found the perfect Father's Day card for him, and wanted to share it with all the other fathers out there.

A Father's Day Prayer for My Husband

Lord, please bless my husband with a beautiful day and a happy heart...
...with a sense of satisfaction and an understanding that being a father is the most important thing he could have been. Most of all, Lord, please bless him with the knowledge of how deeply he is loved and cared about-
on Father's Day and always.

I love you Brett. Happy Father's Day!

Scenic River Classic

On the 20th, Austin and I participated in the Scenic River Classic 5K walk- well, power walk for us! It was pretty cold in the morning, but Austin was a trooper, snacking on french toast and milk as we cruised along. The credit union I work for is an annual sponsor of the event and each year a bunch of employees race together (10k run, 5k run, 5k walk). The event raises money for the Development Workshop which provides jobs and services for people with disabilities in eastern Idaho- so a great cause and reason to walk/run. I have a great time participating each year, but this year was extra special since my little man got to join me! We finished 28th out of about 150 walkers. Not too shabby!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Itty Bitty Garden

So, I took the advice of my good cousin Sarah and built my own Square Foot Garden. I've always wanted a garden (to compliment my raspberry bushes that I'm obsessed with in the summer) but never thought I had the space or expertise. Enter, square foot gardening. A little space, a little dirt, a few little seeds, and you have it - a fabulous garden right outside your kitchen window! And Brett was so happy we didn't have to kill his well manicured lawn to do it.

Corn, carrots, you come...I hope. We've had a few things sprout in some squares, but I'm a bit worried about all the rain and overcast days we've had over the last few weeks. Seems like there should be more action going on by now. I guess we'll just wait and see!

Now, if you call and I don't answer my phone I'm probably out admiring my garden- or changing a dirty diaper, or doing laundry, or walking the dog, or....
Here's a glimpse at my strawberries. I bought them as plants so they don't count.
Alas, my garden!

Oh, and a special thanks to my wonderful husband for all this construction work. I couldn't have pull it off myself. Smooch, smooch honey.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Aaron Stephen

Last weekend we went to Boise and visited my newest nephew, Aaron Stephen. He was born a few weeks early on May 27th but perfect nonetheless. Elisha had another speedy labor and delivery, which seems to be her norm. The family is doing well, especially Jakob who is in absolute love with his new brother! Here are some pictures. Congrats! We love you guys!

Aaron Stephen Knudsen
Me and Aaron
The Knudsen Crew - happy as can be!