Friday, February 11, 2011

Idaho City, ID

In keeping with our new year resolution of 'creating family memories', we ventured up to Idaho City. I hadn't been up that direction since I was a kid and Brett never had. I mostly remember the hot springs - well that's pretty much all I remember. The facilily had a funny sign in the dressing room: "Welcome or our OOL, notice there's no P in it." Sadly, the hot spring pool isn't even operating any more. So what else does Idaho City have to offer in the wintertime? Well, snow and lots of it. We were looking for a snowy adventure and we found it. We meandered up a plowed summer camp road and had a blast enjoying the brisk air, beautiful scenery and each other. Lucky for sparky, he got to share in the adventure with us. I've never met a lab that didn't enjoy a good romp in the snow! So, cheers to our first family adventure of 2011! May we enjoy many more moments like this one - minus getting the new car stuck in the snow and flagging down the only car we'd seen for hours (ok, maybe minutes) to pull us out!

My boys...
The momma...

The once happy snow angel creator who got a little too cold...

1 comment:

Sarah Young said...

Haha, I remember that no p in ool sign! It's too bad it's not open anymore!