Monday, November 23, 2009


Yesterday my brother, Patrick, was involved in a terrible dirtbiking accident. He was riding in the foothills in Boise and collided in mid air with his buddy, Steve. They both flew about 30 feet and landed hard. Patrick initially lost feeling in his legs and couldn't walk and was rushed to the hospital. A CT revealed that he had a burst fracture in his L1 and a minor injury to his L5 but luckily all feeling was returning to his limbs. He underwent surgery this afternoon to repair his back and now has rods and screws holding him together. He's doing well but says he's never been in so much pain in his life. It's going to be a long road to recovery and possible lifetime repercussions of the accident but we are all thankful and humbled that he is alive and not paralyzed. We are counting our blessings and putting life's trivial moments in perspective. It's in times like this that you realize what's important in your life. I love my brother so much and probably have not told or shown him enough.

I love you bro, so very much. I'm praying for you, for your health and for a speedy recovery.

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