Friday, August 7, 2009


I’ve neglected my blog, my house cleaning, my paint-chipped toenails. I think my husband may even throw his hat in the ring. But it’s his fault. He made me rent the movie and now I’m hooked. Hi, I’m Jen and I’m a TWILIGHT junkie.

My assistant at work, Joelle, tried to get me to read the series long ago. I brushed her off at the thought of wasting my time reading a “teenybopper” book series about vampires of all things. What a fool I was then.

I’ve been absorbed in the love affair between Edward and Bella, my nose deep in the TWILIGHT series for three weeks now. My hairdresser says it’s a modern day version of Romeo & Juliet, two people longing to be together against impossible odds- perhaps. All I know is that I can’t put the books down. I’m drawn to the passionate love story, the action and adventure, the sweet nothings that Edward constantly whispers to Bella. My heart melts at Edward’s selflessness and Jacob’s quirky, fun-loving persona. The loyalty of the characters is refreshing.

I guess it’s my time to de-stress from the activities of the day and let my mind wander in a land of fantasy. I’ve missed reading books that don’t necessarily teach me something, but rather let my mind be free to just enjoy the story. You can only read so many parenting and self-help books before you overanalyze yourself and your actions to death. TWILIGHT doesn’t judge, it just entertains.

So I’m finishing up Eclipse today and I’m going to try to wait a week or two before reading the final installment, Breaking Dawn. Maybe then I can get my blog up to date and my house in order. But really, who am I kidding. I could barely wait 24 hours to start the last two books. I’m doomed.


itsybitsyknitsy said...

I brushed everyone at work off at first too... reading a teeny bopper vampire series? No thank you!!! But... I read them... loved them. I read all 4 books in less then a month!

Sarah Young said...

Hahahaha, I have not yet succumbed to Twilight. But everyone I have talked to had the exact same reaction as you who has read the books!

I love that we're living parallel lives with neglected blogs, houses and toenails. I wished we lived closer so we could participate in the madness together!

P.S. LOVE the family picture! You Nagels are such a good lookin' crew!

Barb McLean said...

OK..haven't read the books, but my seminary students last year were engrossed in them. The girls and boys! I think the guys just wanted to make sure they weren't being left out. When the movie came out they all went en masse. too funny! I have been waiting for "The time travelers wife" to open. It opens today...gonna see if Mark will do a chick flick with me tonight. loved reading all your posts and seeing all the pic's. You and Brett are living a good life!